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The Water Jet Blasting Cleaning Machine Pump Precaution

The Hydro Jet Blasting Cleaning machine pump is a high-pressure operating equipment. It needs the general safety precaution process to ensure both the operator and machine safety.


Inspect Equipment

Inspect the condition of all parts before you use them. Do not use any item that is in suspect condition.




Check Pressure Ratings

All components in the Water blasting clean machine system must be properly rated for the intended operating pressure.


Rupture Discs

Installation of two rupture discs is necessary to protect the Hydro Jet Blasting Cleaning machine pump and operators. Generally, there are two Rupture disc ratings, 120% of operating pressure, and 140% of operating pressure.




Check Connections

Check the condition of the connection threads before you make any high pressure connection.


Tighten Connections

Properly tighten all high pressure connections. Hand-tighten pipe (NPT) fittings and then tighten with a wrench another 1-1/2 to 2 full revolutions.


Purge the Ultra-high Pressure hydro Jet cleaning pump System

Before attaching a nozzle to the control gun or tube cleaning lance, operate the pump at low speed to purge dirt and debris from the system. Dirt and debris can clog nozzle orifice and cause excessive system pressures.



Test the System

With the nozzle installed, operate the pump at low pressure to test the Water Jet cleaning machine pump system.




Slowly Increase Pressure

Visually inspect all fittings for leaks at 1000psi (69bar), and then again once the system reaches full pressure. Change the components when lead occurs.



Use the Minimum Pressure Required

Use the minimum pressure, do not exceed the operating pressure of the system’s lowest pressure-rated component.

