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Total's EACOP long -distance heating pipeline

         In July 2023, Zhejiang Qingqi Dust Environmental Joint Stock Co., Ltd. successfully signed the EACOP project with EACOP LTD Uganda Branch (Midstream), which is TOTaL's long-distance oil transmission electric heat tracing pipeline project in Africa.

          The French Company ToTaL is adopting  Qingqi Dust Environmental’s LLHT Longline series resistance heating cable system for their proposed buried pre-insulated electrically heated, EACOP 1445km long pipeline located in Uganda/Tanzania and wished to assure themselves of the ability to install the system quickly and without damage to the heating cables.

         The heat tracing system is set up to ensure that the pipeline maintains certain temperature under the minimum environment temperature as required in technology, and the system design ensures the consistency and continuity of temperature.

         In the design, environmental conditions, various heat sinks in pipeline, heat resistance of thermal insulation materials, etc. is considered, and suitable heating cable was selected further pertaining to above conditions. The heat tracing system is installed inside the industrial unit involved in the explosion hazard environment, and the heating cable and is accessories conform to the requirements of all explosion hazard environments. All parts and elements provided in the heat tracing system are new and adaptive to the environmental requirements of on-site installation.

        Single-core constant power heating cable is adopted in the Project

        The Proposal is made for Electric Heat Tracing System Project for EACOP Crude Oil Long-distance Transport Pipe between Uganda and Tanzania. Total 1,445 km of 24" pipeline are involved. A laid power supply unit is considered every 30 km, This project shows Qingqi company's production、 technology and design capabilities, breaking through the domestic and foreign heating cable industry more than 10km of single-loop power supply heating cable technology, is the first, for domestic and foreign petroleum and petrochemical industry to create a new application case and technical feasibility of long-distance oil and gas pipelines to provide a reliable basis.


Total's EACOP long -distance heating pipeline


Total's EACOP long -distance heating pipeline
