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Fire water tank should use which electric tracing heat insulation

The fire water tank is one of the important safety facilities in the building, which is mainly used to store fire water and ensure that the water supply can be timely when the fire occurs. In the cold winter, in order to prevent the water in the tank from freezing, affecting the normal use of fire water, insulation measures need to be taken. Southern warm areas in winter fire water tank only need to cover a layer of insulation, however, in the cold northern regions, due to the low temperature, it is necessary to take more measures for water tank insulation, to ensure that the liquid in the water tank is not frozen, of which electric heat tracing insulation is a common way of insulation, can effectively maintain the temperature of the water in the fire tank. So, which kind of electric tracing heat insulation should be used in the fire water tank?


Fire water tank should use which electric tracing heat insulation


Electric tracing heat preservation is a way of converting electrical energy into heat energy, which can provide the necessary insulation for the fire water tank. Compared with traditional steam heating, electric tracing heat preservation has the advantages of energy saving, safety and environmental protection. At the same time, the electric heat tracing insulation can also accurately control the temperature to meet the needs of different fire tanks.

When choosing electric tracing heat preservation of fire water tank, it is necessary to consider the specific project situation. First of all, it is necessary to determine the power and length of electric tracing heat preservation according to the size of the fire tank and the local climatic conditions; Secondly, the corresponding type of electric tracing heat preservation needs to be selected according to the temperature requirements of the water in the fire tank. In addition, it is also necessary to consider the power supply conditions, installation methods and other factors to ensure that the electric tracing heat preservation can operate normally.

Fire water tank is generally divided into two types of large water tank and small water tank, for large water tank, generally used and combined with the tropical, because it is long in length, a single maximum length of use up to 3000 meters, suitable for long transport pipeline and large storage tank antifreeze insulation.

The small water tank, often used for fire water tank insulation is low temperature automatic temperature and electric tracing zone, its model is :DBR, voltage level: 220v, 10° Nominal power: 25w/m. The color of the tropical zone is generally blue, the maximum maintenance temperature is 65℃, and the starting current is ≤0.5A/m.
