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Are cleanroom air shower effectiveness

Results from surface particle tests show that air showers are effective at removal of particulate on soiled/used garments. Average particle reduction was between 56 percent (polyester) to 62 percent (Gortex) effective in the removal of contamination of 0.3 microns and larger.


Are cleanroom air shower effectiveness


How effective are air showers?


In recent years tests have been conducted and articles written which show air showers to be 35% to 90% efficient in the removal of contamination dependent upon the size of the particle,the design of the air shower, garment type, garment procedures,shower utilization technique, cycle time, and cleanroom classification.


Where are air showers used?


Air showers are typically placed between a gowning area and clean room; after workers don appropriate garb and personal protective equipment, they enter the shower so that the pressurized air nozzles remove any residual particles from coveralls.

: China Zhuo Wei factory
